Nuno Preguiça

(esta página em português)


Phone: +351 - 21 294 8300 Ext. 10753
Office: P3/7
Address: Departamento de Informática, FCT, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
Quinta da Torre

Short CV [PDF]


Full professor at the Departament of Computer Science (Dep. Informática), Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
Coordinator of Computer Systems research area of NOVA LINCS.


"Habilitation" in Computer Science, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2019.

Phd in Computer Science, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2003.

Teaching (local)

More information following this link/Mais informação seguindo este link.

Research projects

In the NOVA LINCS computer systems group, we are hiring Post-Docs and PhD students in the context of other projects. Contact me if you want to know more about these opportunities.

We are always looking for enthusiastic and motivated students willing to work on the distributed systems area. Contact me via email or stop by my office to talk about possible topics of work in the context of research projects and for thesis proposals!

I am currently involved in the following projects: 

Recently finished projects: 

My web page @ NOVA LINCS might have more up-to-date information.


Recent software:

Graduate Students

Events (recent and selected)

12+1 Selected publications

Other recent and selected publications

For a complete list of old publications follow this link or my web page @ NOVA LINCS, which usually tends to have more up-to-date information.

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