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João Leitão's Homepage : Research Research Research Statement: Systems are becoming more and more relevant in the everyday life of a broader number of users. This leads system's design and architectures to become more and more complex at the same time that user's expectations concerning responsiveness, availability, and dependability grow. In this context, my research strives to answer the broad question of: How to scale systems, and distributed systems in particular, in number of components, geographic distribution, and user base, while ensuring high availability, efficiency, and fault tolerance?To answer this question I focus on the following research vectors: i) devising new algorithms and solutions to scale distributed architectures, such as those of distributed databases, both within the scope of a data center, as well as across multiple geo-distributed sites, minimizing the use of centralized components that hinder performance and fault-tolerance; ii) understanding fundamental aspects of consistency semantics in the context of data replication and proposing new algorithms that explore relevant trade- offs between consistency and user perceived performance; iii) extending the horizon of replication techniques, in the context of geo-replicated data stores, as to include clients, while enabling direct browser-to-browser communication and collaboration, in an intuitive way for system architects; and iv) devise new security mechanisms to increase the dependability of cloud-based large-scale systems. This research is entiwned with the strategic plan of the NOVA LINCS Laboratory to develop new solutions and algorithms to support large-scale distributed systems.
Research Areas:
Research Projects: I am currently part of the research team of the following funded research projects. TaRDIS - Trustworthy and Resilient Decentralised Intelligence for Edge Systems.
Past Research Project: In the past I participated in the following funded research projects. LightKone - Lightweight computations for networks at the edge.
NG-STORAGE - New Generation of data STORage And manaGement systEms.
Secure and Scalable Platform for Massive-scale Mobile Applications.
HiPSTr: High-Performance Serializable Transactions.
Cosmos: Causal Consistency on the Network Edge.
HYRAX - Crowd-Sourcing Mobile Devices to Develop Edge Clouds, FCT/CMU (FCT CMUP-ERI/FIA/0048/2013)
SyncFree - Large-scale computation without synchronisation (SyncFree is a European research project taking place for 3 years, staring October 2013, and is funded by the European Union, grant agreement n 609551.)
ADAAS - Assuring Dependability in Architecture-based Adaptive Systems FCT (CMU-PT/ELE/0030/2009)
REDICO - Dynamic reconfiguration of communication protocols
HPCI - High-Performance Computing over the Large-Scale Internet
P-SON: Probabilistically-Structured Overlay Networks
Available Software/Prototypes: Legion Framework
Overnesia Overlay
Other Research Activities: Appia (collaborator) |