© Photo by Gonçalo João

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João Leitão's Homepage : Students

Rui André Oliveira
FCT - UNL, 2020-Present.
Google Scholar


Current PhD. Students:

João Bordalo
FCT - UNL, 2024-Present (Co-advised with Dimitra Tsigkari from Telefonica Reseach(ES)).
PhD Topic: Towards Self-Management of Complex Distributed Systems.

Pedro Ákos Costa
FCT - UNL, 2018-Present
[ Homepage ]
PhD Topic: Support General Purpose Computations on Edge Computing Environments & Wireless Environments.

Pedro Fouto
FCT - UNL, 2018-Present (Co-advised with Nuno Preguiça)
[ Homepage ]
PhD Topic: Partial and Dynamic Replication for Large-Scale Edge Storage Systems.

Current MSc. Students:

Joana Falcão Moura (As advisor, co-advisor João Nuno Silva (Técnico ULisboa))
FCT - UNL, 2022-Present
Internal Preparation Document

Tiago Teles (As advisor, co-advisors are Carla Ferreira (FCT UNL) and Rafael Rodrigues (EDP NEW R&D))
FCT - UNL, 2022-Present
Internal Preparation Document

Jacinta Sousa
FCT - UNL, 2022-Present
Internal Preparation Document

Diogo Paulico
FCT - UNL, 2022-Present
Internal Preparation Document

David Antunes
FCT - UNL, 2022-Present
Internal Preparation Document

Past Post Docs:

Rui André Oliveira
FCT - UNL, 2020-2024.
Google Scholar

Bernardo Ferreira
FCT - UNL, 2017-2018
Research Field: Security and Privacy in Distributed Systems. Emphasis on using new hardware abstractions in the context of cloud based systems.
Check Bernardo's homepage here

Past PhD Students:

Albert van der Linde
FCT - UNL, 2015-2022 (Co-advised with Nuno Preguiça)
[ Homepage ]
PhD Thesis: Cloud-Edge Hybrid Applications.

Filipe Freitas
FCT - UNL, 2014-2019 (Co-advised with Rodrigo Rodrigues)
[ Homepage ]
PhD Thesis: Characterizing and Enforcing Consistency of Online Services.

Past Msc. Students:

Rafael Sequeira
FCT - UNL, 2021-2024
Internal Preparati on Document
MSc Thesis: General Purpose Search in Large-Scale Unstructured Overlay Networks
Final Grade: 19 out of 20.

Daniel João
FCT - UNL, 2022-2023
Internal Preparation Document
MSc Thesis: Network Abstractions and Emulation for Distributed Systems
Final Grade: 17 out of 20.

Diogo Barreto (As advisor, co-advisor Nuno Preguiça (FCT UNL))
FCT - UNL, 2022-2023
Internal Preparation Document
MSc Thesis: Generic Decentralized Membership and Communication Abstractions for Edge Systems
Final Grade: 19 out of 20.

Diogo Gomes
FCT - UNL, 2021-2023
Internal Preparation Document
MSc Thesis: Decomposing Monolitic Computations for Execution on the Edge for Fun and Profit.
Final Grade: 16 out of 20.

Tiago Guerreiro
FCT - UNL, 2021-2023
Internal Preparation Document
MSc Thesis: Expoiting Node Capacity in DHTs: Node Aware Load Balancing.
Final Grade: 16 out of 20.

Pedro Silva (as advisor, co-advisors: Cláudia Soares (FCT UNL) and Belinda Lourenço (NOVO Banco DSI))
FCT - UNL, 2021-2023
Internal Preparation Document
MSc Thesis: Better Monitorization and Predictability for Computation Infrastructures Through Data Fusion.
Final Grade: 17 out of 20.

André Atalaia
FCT - UNL, 2021-2023
Internal Preparation Document
MSc Thesis: Symphony: A Scalable Emulator for Distributed Systems
Final Grade: 18 out of 20.

Vítor Hugo Menino
FCT - UNL, 2020-2022
Personal Homepage
Internal Preparation Document
MSc Thesis: A Novel Approach to Load Balancing in P2P Overlay Networks for Edge Systems
Final Grade: 19 out of 20.

Ema Vieira
FCT - UNL, 2020-2022 (Co-advised with Nuno Preguiça)
Internal Preparation Document
MSc Thesis: ECO SYNC TREE: A Causa and Dynamic Broadcast Tree for Edge-based Replication
Final Grade: 19 out of 20.

João Monteiro
FCT - UNL, 2020-2022
Internal Preparation Document
MSc Thesis: A Multi Level DHT approach through Hierarchical Naming
Final Grade: 19 out of 20.

Bruno Anjos
FCT - UNL, 2019-2021
Personal Homepage
Internal Preparation Document
MSc Thesis: LowNimbus: A decentralized autonomic cloud to edge deployment framework
Final Grade: 18 out of 20.

Nuno Morais
FCT - UNL, 2019-2021
Internal Preparation Document
MSc Thesis: DeMMon: Decentralized Management and Monitoring Framework
Final Grade: 19 out of 20.

David Romão
FCT - UNL, 2019-2021
Internal Preparation Document
MSc Thesis: Dynamic Data Placement in Cloud/Edge Environments
Final Grade: 17 out of 20.

André Rosa
FCT - UNL, 2019-2021
Internal Preparation Document
MSc Thesis: Communication Primitives For Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
Final Grade: 18 out of 20.

João Veloso
FCT - UNL, 2019-2021
Internal Preparation Document
MSc Thesis: Automated support tool for forensics investigation on hard disk images
Final Grade: 17 out of 20.

Rodrigo Graças
FCT - UNL & Feedzai SA, 2017-2021 (Co-advised with João Costa Seco)
[ Personal Homepage ]
Internal Preparation Document
MSc Thesis: Measuring Performance in Network-Intensive Web Applications
Final Grade: 17 out of 20.

Pedro Silvestre
FCT - UNL, 2019-2021 (As co-advisor, Advisor: Asterios Katsifodimos, Delft University of Technology)
Internal Preparation Document
MSc Thesis: Clonos: Consistent High-Availability for Distributed Stream Processing through Causal Logging
Final Grade: 19 out of 20.

Khrystyna Fedyuk
FCT - UNL, 2018-2020 (Co-advised with Maria Cecília Gomes)
Internal Preparation Document
MSc Thesis: Sheik: Dynamic Location and Binding of Microservices for Cloud/Edge Settings
Final Grade: 17 out of 20.

Paulo Ricardo Moita
FCT - UNL, 2018-2020
Internal Preparation Document
MSc Thesis Modular and Adaptive Key-Value Storage Systems
Final Grade: 17 out of 20.

João Carvalho
FCT - UNL, 2018-2020
Internal Preparation Document
MSc Thesis: A Systems Approach to Minimize Wasted Work in Blockchains
Final Grade: 18 out of 20.

Paulo Dias
FCT - UNL, 2018-2020
Internal Preparation Document
MSc Thesis: Tree-based Decentralized and Robust Causal Dissemination
Final Grade: 18 out of 20.

Álvaro Santos
FCT - UNL, 2018-2020 (As co-advisor, Advisor: João Costa Seco).
Internal Preparation Document
MSc Thesis: Distributed Live Programs as Distributed Live Data
Final Grade: 18 out of 20.

Miguel Almeida
FCT - UNL & Create IT, 2018-Present (As co-advisor, Advisor: Sandra Ingrez and Inês Oliveira (Create IT))
Internal Preparation Document (in POrtuguese)
MSc Thesis: Análise de Dados de Atividade de Clientes para Previsão do Nível de Envolvimento. (in Portuguese)
Final Grade: 19 out of 20.

Miguel Cordeiro
FCT - UNL, 2017-Present (As Advisor. Co-Advisor: Vitor Duarte)
Internal Preparation Document
MSc Thesis: Rethinking Distributed Caching Systems Design and Implementation
Final Grade: 19 ou of 20.

Vasco Coelho
FCT - UNL, 2017-2019 (As co-advisor, Advisor: Vitor Duarte)
Internal Preparation Document
MSc Thesis: Study and optimization of the memory management in Memcached.
Final Grade: 17 out of 20.

André Lameirinhas
FCT - UNL, 2017-2019 (As Co-Advisor. Advisor: Maria Cecília Gomes. Co-Advisor: Vitor Duarte))
MSc Thesis: Monitoring in Hybrid Cloud-Edge Environemnts.
Final Grade: 16 out of 20.

André Carrusca
FCT - UNL, 2017-2018 (As Co-Advisor. Advisor: Maria Cecília Gomes)
MSc Thesis: Gestão de micro-serviços na Cloud e Edge (in Portuguese).
Final Grade: 18 out of 20.

Gonçalo Tomás
FCT - UNL, 2016-2018
[ Personal Homepage ]
Internal Preparation Document
MSc Thesis: FMKe: A realistic benchmark for key-value stores.
Final Grade: 18 out of 20.

Pedro Ákos Costa
FCT - UNL, 2017-2018
[ Homepage ]
Internal Preparation Document
MSc Thesis: Practical Aggregation in the Edge.
Final Grade: 20 out of 20.

António Silva
FCT - UNL & Unbabel, 2017-2018 (As Co-advisor. Advisor: João Costa Seco and Marcelo Lebre (Unbabel))
MSc Thesis: Localização e tradução automática em plataformas mobile (in Portuguese).
Final Grade: 18 out of 20.

Miguel Madeira
FCT - UNL, 2017-2018 (As Co-Advisor. Advisor: Bernardo Ferreira)
Internal Preparation Document
MSc Thesis: Towards more Secure and Efficient Password Databases.
Final Grade: 15 out of 20.

Francisco Magalhães
FCT - UNL, 2017-2018
Internal Preparation Document
MSc Thesis: Membership Service for Large-Scale Edge Systems.
Final Grade: 17 out of 20.

Manuel Cruz
FCT - UNL & DNS.PT, 2017-2018 (As Co-Advisor with José Legatheaux Martins and Eduardo Duarte (DNS.PT))
Internal Preparation Document
MSc Thesis: Understanding and evaluating the Behaviour of DNS resolvers.
Final Grade: 16 out of 20.

Pedro Fouto
FCT - UNL, 2016-2018 (Co-advised with Nuno Preguiça)
Internal Preparation Document
MSc Thesis: A Novel Causally Consistent Replication Protocol with Partial Geo-Replication.
Final Grade: 19 out of 20.

Filipe Luis
FCT - UNL, 2016-2018
Internal Preparation Document
MSc Topic: Distributed, Descentralized and Scalable Coordination Primitives.
Final Grade: 17 out of 20.

Francisco Fernandes
FCT - UNL, 2016-2017
Internal Preparation Document
MSc Thesis: Improving Web-Caching Systems with Transparent Client Support.
Final Grade: 16 out of 20.

José Venâncio
FCT - UNL, 2016-2017 (Co-advised with João Leite and Teresa Romão)
Internal Preparation Document
MSc Thesis: A Tool for Online Debates.
Final Grade: 18 out of 20.

Flávio Fernandes
FCT - UNL, 2015-2016
Internal Preparation Document
MSc Thesis: LHView: Location Aware Hybrid Partial View.
Final Grade: 16 out of 20.

Pedro Durães
FCT - UNL, 2015-2016 (Co-advised with Nuno Preguiça)
Internal Preparation Document
MSc Thesis: "Integration of Browser-to-Browser Architectures with Third Party Legacy Cloud Storage.
Final Grade: 17 out of 20.

Tiago Costa
FCT - UNL, 2015-2016
Internal Preparation Document
MSc Thesis: Access Control in Weakly Consistent Systems.
Final Grade: 18 out of 20.

André Sampaio
FCT - UNL, 2015-2016
Internal Preparation Document
MSc Thesis: Resource Sharing and Search in Partially Decentralized Mobile Networks.
Final Grade: 18 out of 20.

David Lopes
FCT - UNL, 2014-2016 (Co-advised with Rodrigo Rodrigues)
Internal Preparation Document
MSc Thesis: WEAQL: Scaling Relational Databases through Weak Consistency.
Final Grade: 18 out of 20.

Natacha P. Leitão
FC - UL, 2013-2015 (Co-advised with Francisco Couto)
[ Homepage ]
MSc Topic: Scalable, Precise, and High-Coverage Genomics Mapping.
[ Publications: ]
LLC-GNUMAP: Scalable, Precise, and High-Coverage Genomics Mapping. (Extended Abstract)
Natacha P. Leitão, João Leitão, and Francisco Couto.
Bioinformatics Open Days, Universidade do Minho Braga, Portugal, February, 2014.

Albert van der Linde
FCT - UNL, 2014-2015 (Co-advised with Nuno Preguiça)
[ Homepage ]
Internal Preparation Document
MSc Thesis: Enriching Web Applications With Browser-to-Browser Communication
Final Grade: 19 out of 20.

Mauro Silva
IST - UTL, 2011-2012 (Co-advised with Carlos Ribeiro)
[ Publications: ]
MobUser: A new user-centric publish-subscribe service for mobile devices
Mauro André Mendes Silva
Master Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisnoa, 2012.

MobUser: publish-subscribe communication for mobile nodes
Mauro Silva, João Leitão, and Carlos Ribeiro
18th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Singapore, December 17-19, 2012.

Past BSc. Students:

Pedro Fouto
FCT - UNL, 2015-2016 (in collaboration with Nuno Preguiça)
Research Topic: Multiplayer Games in Browser-to-Browser Web Platforms.

Past Collaborators:

João Pedro Marques
Project: PeerVibes - Protocol Development

Pedro Pedrosa
Project: PeerVibes - Application Development

Pedro Ribeiro
Project: PeerVibes - Protocol Evaluation

Miguel Branco
Project: PeerVibes - Deployment and Evaluation

Diogo Mónica
Advisors: Carlos Ribeiro and Luís Rodrigues
Topic: Thwarting the Sybil Attack in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

João Ferreira
Advisors: Luís Rodrigues
Topic: Autonomic Performance Management in OSGi based Applications