Phone: +351 - 21 294 8300 Ext. 10753
Office: P3/7
Address: |
Departamento de Informática, FCT, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
Quinta da Torre
Short CV [PDF]
Full professor at the Departament
of Computer Science (Dep. Informática), Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia,
Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
Coordinator of Computer Systems research area of NOVA LINCS.
"Habilitation" in Computer Science, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2019.
Phd in Computer Science, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2003.
More information following this
link/Mais informação seguindo este link.
In the NOVA LINCS computer systems group, we are hiring Post-Docs and PhD students
in the context of other projects. Contact me if you want to know more about these opportunities.
We are always looking for enthusiastic
and motivated students willing to work on the distributed systems area.
Contact me via email or stop by my office to talk about possible topics
of work in the context of research projects and for thesis proposals!
I am currently involved in the following projects:
- Tardis: Trustworthy And Resilient Decentralised Intelligence For Edge Systems:
The primary goal of TaRDIS
(2023-2025, UE H2020) is to significantly ease the complexity and reduce the effort of building correct and
efficient heterogeneous swarms.
TaRDIS focuses on supporting the correct and efficient development of applications for swarms and
decentralised distributed systems, by combining a novel programming paradigm with a toolbox for
supporting the development and executing of applications.
In the context of this project I am collaborating in the data management support.
Partners in the projects: DTU, U. Oxford, U. Novi Sad, U. Athens,
EDP Inovação, Actyx, GMV, Caixa Mágica, Telefónica, Martel.
Recently finished projects:
project (FCT/MCTES, 2018-21, PTDC/CCI-INF/32662/2017) addressed the systems challenges posed by
supporting large-scale mobile
applications in current and forthcoming Internet infrastructures.
We aim to design services and algorithms that explore direct communication among mobile devices,
while leveraging on the cloud and edge resources for providing efficient, highly available and
reliable solutions.
As a predecessor of this project, we have built Legion,
a framework for extending web applications with peer-to-peer
interactions. Legion relies on WebRTC, STUN and TURN to allow web clients
to securely replicate data objects and synchronize peer-to-peer. Legion
relies on cloud services for providing data durability - it provides an
API compatible with Google Drive Realtime. This was a result of
SyncFree project
(2013-16, UE
FP7) and LightKone
project (2017-19, UE
H2020, 732505).
- LightKone: The
goal of LightKone
(2017-19, UE
H2020, 732505) is to develop a scientifically sound and industrially
validated model for doing general-purpose computation on edge networks.
(2013-16, UE
Partners in the projects: UC
Louvain, INRIA, U. Minho, TU Kaiserskautern, , UC
Louvain, Koç University, Rovio, Trifork, Basho.
- AntidoteDB: AntidoteDB
is a planet-scale, highly available, transactional NoSQL database with
strong semantics. It support geo-replication, with: CRDTs for providing
correct data convergence; causal consistency and highly available
transactions for improved guarantees; and bounded-counters for supporting
strong invariants over numeric values. This was a result of SyncFree project
(2013-16, UE
FP7) and it is being extended in LightKone project
(2017-19, UE
H2020, 732505).
We are currently focusing on the following directions in the context of AntidoteDB:
- Global invariants (Indigo, IPA) - some applications can
only run correctly if global invariants are maintained. We are studying how to enforce
such global invariants in eventually consistent data stores;
- SQL invariants for NoSQL databases (AQL) - we are developing mechanisms for enforcing
SQL invariants -- primery key, check and foreign key constraints -- in
eventually consistent data stores;
- Non-uniform replication - Non-uniform replication is a replication model where each replica
keeps only part of the state and it is still able to run every query locally.
We are studying what applications can use this model and how to
use it in practice.
- Concordant
(2010-14, ANR-10-BLAN 0208), SyncFree (2013-16, UE
FP7), SwiftComp
(2013-15, FCT/MEC #PTDC/EEI-SCR/1837/2012).
CRDTs are data types for which all concurrent operations commute. In
the context of this research, we have proposed CRDTs as a way to
simplify data replication for collaborative editing. We are currently
researching the use of the same approach for managing data in
cloud computing environments. These efforts are currently focused in
two inter-related projects:
- SwiftCloud - storage
solutions for cloud environments;
- SwiftComp - computation
solutions for cloud environments.
Partners in the projects: INRIA, U.
Minho, TU Kaiserskautern, LORIA, UC
Louvain, Koç University, Rovio, Trifork, Basho, INESC Id, INESC TEC.
- Byzantium
(2018-2012, FCT/MCES #PTDC/EIA/74325/2006).
The goal of this project is to design an efficient database system that
tolerates byzantine faults.
Partners in the projects: INESC/Id, MPI-SWS.
My web
page @ NOVA LINCS might have more up-to-date information.
Recent software:
- André Rijo (PhD, co-advisor: Carla Ferreira)
- Pedro Fouto (PhD, co-advisor: João Leitão)
- Luís Silva (PhD, co-advisor: João Leitão)
- Bernardo Silva (Msc)
- Diogo Rosa (Msc)
- Rafael Riveiro (Msc)
- Albert van der Linde (PhD; now @ Google)
- Valter Balegas (Phd; now @ElectricSQL, founder & CTO)
- João Soares (Ph; now at FCUP, researcher)
- Francisco Mendes (Msc)
- Ana Santos (Msc)
- Miguel França (Msc)
- Diogo Jesus (Msc)
- Why logical clocks are easy.
| Bibtex]
Carlos Baquero, Nuno Preguiça.
Communications of the ACM, 59, 4 (March 2016), 43-47.
Also as:
Why logical clocks are easy.
| Bibtex]
Carlos Baquero, Nuno Preguiça.
Queue: Volume 14 Issue 1, January-February 2016
- High Throughput Replication with Integrated Membership Management.
[@Usenix | PDF | Bibtex]
Pedro Fouto, Nuno M. Preguiça, João Leitão: in Proc. USENIX ATC'22,
- Practical Client-side Replication: Weak Consistency Semantics for Insecure Settings.
[DOI | PDF | Bibtex]
Albert van der Linde, João Leitã̃o, and Nuno Preguiç̧a: PVLDB, 13(11): 2590-2605, 2020.
- IPA: Invariant-Preserving Applications for Weakly Consistent Replicated Databases
[DOI | PDF | Bibtex]
Valter Balegas, Sérgio Duarte, Carla Ferreira, Rodrigo Rodrigues, Nuno Preguiça: PVLDB, 12(4): 404-418, 2018.
- Legion: Enriching Internet Services with Peer-to-Peer Interactions
| Bibtex]
van der Linde, Pedro Fouto, João Leitão, Nuno Preguiça, Santiago
Castiñeira, and Annette Bieniusa: Proc. WWW'2017, 2017.
- Pixida: Optimizing Data Parallel
Jobs in Wide-Area Data Analytics [DOI | PDF | Bibtex]
Konstantinos Kloudas, Margarida Mamede, Nuno Preguiça, Rodrigo
Rodrigues: Proc. VLDB'16, 2015.
- Cure: Strong semantics meets
high availability and low latency
| Bibtex]
Deepthi Devaki Akkoorath, Tyler Crain, Alejandro Z. Tomsic, Annette
Bieniusa, Manuel Bravo, Nuno Preguiça, Zhongmiao Li, Marc Shapiro: Proc.
ICDCS'16, 2016.
- Putting Consistency back
into Eventual Consistency [DOI | PDF
| Bibtex]
Valter Balegas, Sérgio Duarte, Carla Ferreira, Rodrigo Rodrigues, Nuno
Preguiça, Mahsa Najafzadeh, Marc Shapiro: Proc.
EuroSys ’15, 2015, ACM.
- Making Geo-Replicated Systems
Fast if Possible, Consistent when Necessary [PDF | Bibtex]
Cheng Li, Daniel Porto, Allen Clement, Johannes Gehrke, Nuno Preguica,
and Rodrigo Rodrigues. In the 10th USENIX Symposium on
Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI '12).
- Conflict-free
Replicated Data
Types [PDF | Bibtex]
Extended TR [link]
Marc Shapiro, Nuno Preguiça, Carlos Baquero and Marek
Zawirski. In Proceedings of the
13th International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of
Distributed Systems (SSS 2011), October 2011.
- Efficient
middleware for byzantine fault tolerant database replication [PDF | Bibtex]
Rui Garcia, Rodrigo Rodrigues, and Nuno Preguiça. In
Proceedings of the sixth conference on Computer systems (EuroSys ’11),
Abril 2011, ACM.
- A commutative replicated data
type for cooperative editing [PDF
| Bibtex]
Nuno Preguiça, Joan Marquès, Marc Shapiro, Mihai Letia. In
Proceedings of the 29th IEEE International Conference on Distributed
Computing Systems (ICDCS 2009), June 2009. IEEE.
- Scalable Bloom Filters [DOI | PDF | Bibtex]
Paulo Sérgio Almeida, Carlos Baquero, Nuno Preguiça,
David Hutchison. Information Processing
Letters, Vol. 101, No. 6, 2007, pp.s 255-261. Elsevier.
Other recent and selected publications
- PS-CRDTs: CRDTs in highly volatile environments.
António Barreto, Hervé Paulino, João A. Silva, Nuno M. Preguiça: Future Gener. Comput. Syst. 141: 755-767.
- Babel: A Framework for Developing Performant and Dependable Distributed Protocols.
[DOI | PDF | Bibtex]
Pedro Fouto, Pedro Ákos Costa, Nuno M. Preguiça, João Leitão: in Proc. SRDS 2022.
- ECROs: building global scale systems from sequential code.
[DOI | PDF | Bibtex]
Kevin De Porre, Carla Ferreira, Nuno M. Preguiça, Elisa Gonzalez Boix: in Proc. ACM Program. Lang. 5(OOPSLA),
1-30, 2021.
- Secure Conflict-free Replicated Data Types.
[DOI | PDF | Bibtex]
Manuel Barbosa, Bernardo Ferreira, João C. Marques, Bernardo Portela, Nuno M. Preguiça: in Proc. ICDCN 2021.
- It's about Thyme: On the design and implementation of a time-aware reactive storage system for pervasive edge computing environments.
[DOI | PDF | Bibtex]
Future Gener. Comput. Syst. 118: 14-36.
- The intrinsic cost of causal consistency.
[DOI | PDF | Bibtex]
Albert van der Linde, Pedro Fouto, João Leitão, and Nuno Preguiça: in Proc. PaPoC'20.
Article 11, 1–5. 2020.
- On combining fault tolerance and partial replication with causal consistency.
[DOI | PDF | Bibtex]
Albert van der Linde, Diogo Serra, João Leitão, and Nuno Preguiça: in Proc. PaPoC'20.
Article 11, 1–5. 2020.
- Time-Aware Reactive Storage in Wireless Edge Environments
[DOI |
PDF | Bibtex]
J. Silva, H. Paulino, J. M. Lourenço, J. Leitão, and N. Preguiça: in Proc. Mobiquitous 2019, 2019.
- Enabling Fog Computing using Self-Organizing Compute Nodes
[DOI | PDF | Bibtex]
V. Karagiannis, S. Schulte, J. Leitão, and N. Preguiça: in Proc. ICFEC 2019, 2019.
- Data Replication on the Cloud/Edge
[DOI |
PDF | Bibtex]
D. Mealha, N. Preguiça, M. Cecília Gomes, and J. Leitão.: in Proc. PaPoC 2019, 2019.
- Conflict-free Replicated Data Types CRDTs
[DOI |
| Bibtex]
Nuno Preguiça, Carlos Baquero, Marc Shapiro: In Sakr S., Zomaya A. (eds) Encyclopedia of Big Data Technologies.
Springer, 2018.
- Achieving Low Latency Transactions for Geo-replicated Storage with Blotter
Henrique Moniz, João Leitão, Ricardo Dias, Johannes Gehrke, Nuno
Preguiça and Rodrigo Rodrigues: In Sakr S., Zomaya A. (eds) Encyclopedia of Big Data Technologies.
Springer, 2018.
- Conflict-free Replicated Data Types: An Overview
[ARXiV |
| Bibtex]
Nuno Preguiça: In CoRR abs/1806.10254, 2018.
- Practical and Fast Causal Consistent Partial Geo-Replication
| Bibtex]
Pedro Fouto, João Leitão, Nuno Preguiça: Proc. NCA 2018.
- Non-uniform Replication
| Bibtex]
Gonçalo Cabrita, Nuno Preguiça: Proc. OPODIS' 17,
- Fine-Grained Consistency Upgrades for Online Services
| Bibtex]
Filipe Freitas, João Leitão, Nuno M. Preguiça, Rodrigo Rodrigues: Proc. SRDS' 17,
- Blotter: Low Latency Transactions for Geo-Replicated Storage
| Bibtex]
Henrique Moniz, João Leitão, Ricardo Dias, Johannes Gehrke, Nuno
Preguiça and Rodrigo Rodrigues: Proc. WWW'2017, 2017.
- FMKe: a Real-World Benchmark for Key-Value Data Stores
[DOI |
Gonçalo Tomás, Peter Zeller, Valter Balegas, Deepthi Akkoorath, Annette Bieniusa, João Leitão, Nuno Preguiça: Proc. PaPoC 2017.
- Transparent cross-system consistency
[DOI |
João Loff, Daniel Porto, Carlos Baquero, João Garcia, Nuno Preguiça, Rodrigo Rodrigues: Proc. PaPoC 2017.
- Geo-Replication: Fast If Possible, Consistent If Necessary.
| Bibtex]
Valter Balegas, Cheng Li, Mahsa Najafzadeh, Daniel Porto, Allen Clement, Sérgio Duarte, Carla Ferreira, Johannes Gehrke, João Leitão, Nuno M. Preguiça, Rodrigo Rodrigues, Marc Shapiro, Viktor Vafeiadis.
IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 39(1): 81-92, 2016. IEEE.
- Characterizing the Consistency of Online Services (Practical Experience Report)
[DOI | PDF | Bibtex]
Filipe Freitas, João Leitão, Nuno Preguiça, Rodrigo Rodrigues: Proc.
DSN'16, 2016.
- Towards the Opportunistic Combination of Mobile Ad-hoc Networks with Infrastructure Access
[DOI | PDF | Bibtex]
João A. Silva, João Leitão, Nuno Preguiça, João M. Lourenço, Hervé
Paulino: Proc. 1st Workshop on Middleware for Edge Clouds &
Cloudlets, 2016.
- Making weak consistency great again [DOI | PDF | Bibtex]
Valter Balegas, Sérgio Duarte, Carla Ferreira, Nuno Preguiça, Rodrigo Rodrigues: Proc. PaPoC 2016.
- Δ-CRDTs: making δ-CRDTs delta-based [DOI | PDF | Bibtex]
Albert van der Linde, João Leitão, Nuno Preguiça: Proc. PaPoC 2016.
- Eventually consistent register revisited [DOI | PDF | Bibtex]
Marek Zawirski, Carlos Baquero, Annette Bieniusa, Nuno Preguiça, Marc Shapiro: Proc. PaPoC 2016.
- Towards Fast Invariant
Preservation in Geo-replicated Systems [DOI | PDF | Bibtex]
Valter Balegas, Sérgio Duarte, Carla Ferreira, Rodrigo Rodrigues, Nuno
Preguiça, Mahsa Najafzadeh, Marc Shapiro: SIGOPS Oper. Syst. Rev. 49, 1
(January 2015), 121-125. ACM.
- Write Fast, Read in the Past:
Causal Consistency for Client-side Applications [DOI | PDF | Bibtex]
Marek Zawirski, Nuno Preguiça, Sérgio Duarte, Annette Bieniusa, Valter
Balegas, Marc Shapiro: Proc. Middleware' 15, 2015.
- Extending Eventually Consistent
Cloud Databases for Enforcing Numeric Invariants [DOI | PDF
| Bibtex]
Valter Balegas, Diogo Serra, Sérgio Duarte, Carla Ferreira, Marc
Shapiro, Rodrigo Rodrigues, Nuno Preguiça: Proc. SRDS' 15,
- SwiftCloud: Fault-Tolerant
Geo-Replication Integrated all the Way to the Client Machine (invited
talk) [PDF
| Bibtex]
Nuno Preguica, Marek Zawirski, Annette Bieniusa, Sergio Duarte, Valter
Balegas, Carlos Baquero, Marc Shapiro: in Proceedings of the Workshop
on Planetary Scale Distributed Systems (part of SRDS workshops), 2015,
- Automating the Choice of
Consistency Levels in Replicated Systems [PDF
| Bibtex]
Cheng Li, Joao Leitao, Allen Clement, Nuno Preguica, Rodrigo Rodrigues,
Viktor Vafeiadis: in Proceedings of the 2014 Usenix Annual Technical
Conference (Usenix ATC '14), 2014.
- Scalable Data Processing for
Community Sensing Applications.
| Bibtex]
Sérgio Duarte, David Navalho, Heitor Ferreira, and Nuno Preguiça.
Mobile Networks and Applications, 18, 3, pp.s. 357-372, June 2013.
- Brief
announcement: Efficient causality tracking in distributed storage
systems with dotted version vectors.[DOI | PDF
| Bibtex]
Extended TR [link]
Nuno Preguiça, Carlos Baquero, Paulo Sérgio Almeida, Victor Fonte, and
Ricardo Gonçalves: in Proceedings of the 2012 ACM symposium on
Principles of distributed computing (PODC '12). ACM, 335-336, 2012.
- Semantics-based Reconciliation
for Collaborative and Mobile
Environments [PDF | Bibtex]
Nuno Preguiça, Marc Shapiro, Caroline Matheson. In Proceedings of
CoopIS’2003 The Eleventh International
Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (Springer, LNCS 2888),
November 2003, pp.s 38-55.
- Revisiting
Hierarchical Quorum Systems [PDF
| Bibtex]
Nuno Preguiça, J. Legatheaux Martins. In Proceedings of the 21st IEEE
International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS-21),
April 2001, pp.s 264-272.
- Data Management Support for
Groupware [PDF | Bibtex]
Nuno Preguiça, J. Legatheaux Martins, Henrique J.
Domingos, Sérgio Duarte. In Proceedings of the 2000 ACM Conference on
Supported CooperativeWork (CSCW’00), Dezembro de 2000, Philadelphia,
USA, pp.s 69 - 78.
For a complete list of old publications follow this link
or my web
page @ NOVA LINCS, which usually tends to have more up-to-date
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